- You know when you were a little kid and you acted the fool, your parent or teacher would say something like "you're not big and you're not clever"? I think that must have stuck with me, because big and clever is pretty much all I want to be in life.
- I'm a post-grad Chemistry student, I'll claim to hate it all the time, but I liked it enough to stick around.
- I was a fat little kid until I was about 13, whereupon I decided I didn't want to be fat, but didn't know a thing, so just didn't eat much. The result was a gangly skinny-fat adolescent who looked terrible.
- I first started lifting at around 17, not knowing what the hell I was doing; The next 3-4 years consisted of on-off (more off) training, bringing with them wholly unspectacular results. The lay-offs were for a bunch of different reasons, chiefly travelling (which I recommend to anyone despite me returning looking like an pale Ethiopian), a break to concentrate on fight training (due to the combination of my large, smashable nose and wanting to keep the contents of my head healthy, I decided getting hit repeatedly wasn't in my best interests) and a (parent mandated) year long break following a couple of blackouts...they weren't very fun.
- I've been lifting in a(n arguably) non-retarded manner since September 2011; I've learned a hell of a lot since then and I've still got a lot to learn.
- I like to train in a sleeveless hoodie with the hood up. I also pace back and forth between sets, usually mouthing the lyrics to whatever music is blasting through my headphones. People that don't know me outside of the gym probably think I'm completely mental.
- I have stubby little legs (despite my above-average height) and a long torso. Apparently this body shape is ideal for swimming, or so every swimmer I meet tells me (I'm an awful swimmer so this is sort of moot).
- My weird body shape leads to me being a passable squatter but a pretty awful deadlifter; my bench is terrible, as is standard for tall people.
- As you might be able to ascertain from the above, I'm a pretty harsh critic of myself.
- Don't worry, I'm also a pretty big fan of myself.
- If I had to only train 3 lifts for the rest of my life, they would be squats, clean and press and (weighted) pull-ups.
- If I don't get a nosebleed on a PR attempt then I probably wasn't trying hard enough.
- My house mates think I'm always eating, this is likely because I am always eating.
- I went through a couple of month long phase of eating a whole chicken every single day in addition to other delicious animals. I still consider it a poor week if I don't eat at least 4.
- I have a killer sweet tooth. You know when people say "it's delicious, but it's too sweet to eat a lot of"? I have literally never experienced this.
- Gin (Martin Miller's, if it's going) and tonic with a dash a bitters and a lime. Cheers.
- I hate things being dirty or messy; before you say it, no I'm not 'OCD'. Messy people are the ones with the disorder.
- I was in 'Wrath of the Titans'. It's an awful film, so don't watch it; just know I was in it.
- I'm a massive nerd. If I'm not doing Chemistry or working out, there's a good chance I'm reading some classic literature or about training, physiology, nutrition, philosophy or psychology.
- Although I'm really, really white, I'm a huge hip-hop fan. I'm also a huge hardcore and metal fan, but you can pretend you never read that.
- I like to litter my writings with hip-hop lyrics and pop-culture references that few (if any) people other than myself will get. See the title of this post for an example of this.
- I'm stubborn. Really, really stubborn.
- I do, however, know when to shut the hell up and learn from those with more knowledge than me.
- If you ask me a question, my first response will likely be one of sarcastic pedantry, once this is out of my system, I'll actually try to help you.
- It turns out I swear quite a bit when writing. Apologies to any delicate little flowers reading.
Now you know a little more about me. All subsequent posts will (hopefully) be about something actually interesting.
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